Terms and Conditions:

  1. All rights reserved.
  2. No refunds will be made.
  3. 28.8. Com and Go Fit Horse can refuse or cancel any membership without reason or notification.
  4. All membership payments need to be 36 hours prior to the service to update our records.
  5. Communication problems can affect our service and no claims what so ever can be made.
  6. Though every effort is made by us to the best of our ability; if a human error occurs no claims what so ever can be made.
  7. You acknowledge that gambling is a game of chance and no responsibilities or claims what so ever can be made against 28.8.com, Go Fit Horses Ltd, directors, employees or Associates.
  8. If you have a gambling problem please seek help from your state authority.
  9. Prices, conditions and race days can change without notification.


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