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James Conway History

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I was born in country Victoria Australia. As a young kid I found I had a lot of interest in new ideas, like in the late 1950's we all had Billy-carts, the ones with the wooden fruit boxes to sit in and old pram or ball bearings for wheels. My bigger mates could push off quicker than me, so I wasn't going to take a licking and decided to give myself the competitive edge. I got one of mum's old sheets, made up a mast and easily sailed past them. I later invented more designs around this idea and developed what could have been the first skate and sail boards the world had ever seen - 10 years before the ideas caught on.

During my adult life I have owned several innovative manufacturing, marketing and retail businesses.


I spent many years with my dad training greyhounds and this is where I gained highly valuable experience in fitness.

I registered as an owners/trainer's and trained many winners over the following years.

In 1987 I got interested in horse fitness.

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I was invited to be a “special fitness” writer for the 2004 Melbourne Cup spring carnival in Australia’s No. 1 racing paper, The Sportsman.

Many times I told punters to get on “Makybe Diva” for the Melbourne Cup because of her great fitness levels in her lead up races….she later won the cup in a canter!


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