Mar 31





Syndicating an unfit horse.




Feedback answers:




I will look for:




·        A bigger horse with natural strength factors, so they can carry weight when we start winning


·        Preferably a gelding


·        Experienced with 10-25 starts; so well broke in


·        No injuries (vet certificate)


·        Out of maiden class


·        Watch it for a few races, generally races up with them and fall in a hole because unfit


·        Racing 1400 – 2,000 metres, so gives us more scope.


·        Approach the owner and buy cheap


·        Select a good fitness trainer up the bush


·        Get it 100% race fit and win


·        Look at our photo on the wall


·        Open to all




Please register your interest, this could take 3-6 months to sort out.




Thanks Jim






Mr James Conway CEO 28.8


FREE live fitness% tips, the best in the world.


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Mar 31




Do you have a syndicators license?




28.8 sees hundreds of bush, nice type horses that never peak in fitness, win a maiden and that’s it but can win again with improved fitness levels.




I will be looking for these horses; 3-4-5 years old, sound, 1400, – 2000m (As can hurdle later) and purchase relatively cheap, then syndicate to many members of 28.8 and others.




50 – 200 members not an issue, it’s the winning photo we want on our wall.



My charge:  1 free share.




No great expense per month, let’s win a race with a horse that will race fitter.



I know country trainers with fitness skills to peak our horse/s better.




Feedback welcome.












Mr James Conway CEO 28.8


FREE live fitness% tips, the best in the world.


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Mar 30





















Mar 30





live Race 8 Bendigo Value bet lot of even fitness here Jim rt
















Mar 30




Bendigo race 7, Winner on top, stand out top line $500 divies 6-5-9-3 Jim rt















Mar 30




Pick 4 was 5-9-4-6 JIM





















Mar 30




Race 2 Odds on wins on top, Divies $90 , 2-8-5-1 Jim rt 2/2















Mar 30



Are bookmakers balancing their books with bum tips?



All too often now we see media bookies giving out last minute market movers on some 


horses that really have little chance to win because they are unfit. 


Are they using the media for suck in mug punters to balance their books? 


The last 6 months, to me this practise is becoming more common, when these middle of the


range priced horses are blasted as big goes; only to not win and 28.8 had not rated them


near fit enough to win! 


If money comes for a horse @ $10 - $20 you would think it has to be supported by some


level if fitness, but when they are plainly UNFIT; you have to ask some questions about these


late market movers.



Or are their plenty of mug punters out there with too much money? 



If 28.8 has not rated the horse fit in its top two lines, punters should be very


cautious of any bookie preaching to get on!









Mr James Conway CEO 28.8


FREE live fitness% tips, the best in the world. 

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