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“My losing just won’t go away, so I joined 28.8 live and started to win!”
Thank You
James Conway CEO Founder 28.8
Feedback from members on Betfair
“He’s posted more selections that have won in 30 minutes that most tip in 3 months. He knows his stuff….”
“Thanks Santa, looks like you stuffed up right - we ordered a forum Gym and you have us a forum Jim - I think this one is more useful”
“This bloke is sheer gold; I can sleep in now, and give up going to the track @ 5.00 am …. Thank God…IMO”
“This guy is a beat lol”
“I know who Jim is….. He’s the bad dude from Back to the Future who travels back in time with a racing almanac and
makes a fortune coz he already knows the winners.
He has already made his fortune and is now sharing the love… It can only be so ….. fkucing brilliant!”
“Jim is either 1 of the luckiest punters, or 1 of the best enclosure watchers around, I’m tipping it’s the latter, very well done”
“Hey Jim do you recon your Mum can let you come out and play again tomorrow… huh huh PLEASE lol!
“Jim you’re a phenomenon!!!!!!!!!! Move over all pretenders?”
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Mr James Conway CEO Founder 28.8
28.8 Live Horse Fitness TV, Mounting Yard Tips.
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