How fit is fit?


For the first time I looked at horses in the mounting yard at Sandown races and backed the winner purely on its fitness.

The following weekend I highlighted over 600 times "How fit the horse will be this weekend" "Fit to Win today" "101% fit today" (but only to run last) "Fitter now" "Should be fit to win" and so forth. There was a demand for answers into fitness.

That would mean 10's of thousands of time a week around the world "Fit" was regularly referred to accessing a horses chances to win a race. "But how fit?"

I knew with my experience in greyhound training that having the knowledge of superior fitness would be our important edge to tipping winners in horse races.

But how fit is a horse?

So I set about trying to develop a formula regarding fitness that showed how much an advantage a horse had regarding fitness.

What if you could put a figure on a horse's fitness levels that showed the advantage it had over other horses?

My formula took me 23 years rating lots of horses from all around the world, plus thousands of days at race tracks to work out and now we have fitness percentages where 1% = 1 length advantage a horse has over another.

I later also became the leading writer in Australia's No. 1 racing paper with my own full page fitness editorials.

I have over 50 years experience in the racing industry and you will have the advantage of my personal guidance while you bet.

The final formula represents 1% in fitness = 1 length in an advantage a horse has over another.

This is the new missing "X" FACTOR edge for punters.


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